We come from diverse backgrounds, but our commonalities tie us together as they do all women. We are mothers and women who want to create better futures for ourselves and our communities. We see that we have a deep and profound connection with women everywhere whose enormous responsibilities and dreams are often in conflict with economic and social reality.
We started by discussing what we would do if we had the opportunity to create meaningful and profitable projects. This led us to explore how we could use the collective talents of women in our community to help others to realize their vision of what a better future looks like when they dare to hope for it.
Barbara Vag
Sixteen years ago while backpacking around Central America, I fell in love with Santa Teresa deciding to make it home. I married here, opened several successful restaurants on the Nicoya Peninsula and raised three beautiful children between shifts.
I read Philosophy at York University in Toronto. I am currently a professional Chef and a Managing Partner and Food and Beverage Consultant for Âme Hospitality Group based out of El Paso, Texas.
Over the years I grew to understand the complexities of the unique challenges we women face as mothers and breadwinners. I understand that economic disadvantages threaten one's ability to thrive and prosper. PROVIDE & CONQUER was founded with my friends Celina Otero Monsegur and Xinia Solano. We are determined to provide a sustainable economic model for the women we serve.
Marianne Essa Fischel
I am an Entrepreneur — Wedding planner, Property Manager, Administrator.
I feel like I have always liked to fend for myself. Since I graduated from high school, I was never in relationships and I left home too, so I had work and made my own way of living, or else, what would I do?! Since young I tend to be that type A personality, organized, responsible, perfectionist… I have made point to do my best in what I do. I feel that the world needs more women who know what they want and how. Who are not afraid to express their thoughts. I think I am an empowered woman when I trust and believe in myself.
I wanted to be a part of something that mattered, something that would contribute to this beautiful place I have been calling home for almost 20 years. I have seen this small town grow and I have seen the opportunities that are available to those who can make it here. Unfortunately, women with low incomes, little or no formal education, and wives of “macho” men, rarely have an opportunity to get out and try something. They are shun down by society and old beliefs, most of the time left with a very low self-esteem. I believe if there is a group behind them, teaching them how to do it, providing, perhaps, a bit of money to get that first batch of products done and sold, or simply someone who can serve as a role model, inspiration… we can give more opportunities to our local women and thus, to our local community.
Noelia Kindred
I moved to Santa Teresa in 2007 originally from Argentina after lIving abroad in California. I always felt education was the way to improve our quality of life because it improved mine. I was lucky enough to be able to study in my home country andand I’m currently working in my field, Business Administration.
I feel lucky and prepared to make a difference. I want to help to lift my community up. Women are the heart and the strength of every community and it has been proved that helping women would also bring their family members to a better place.
I always tried to share knowledge with my coworkers, employees, community. Being able to empower and be empowered by other women and neighbors is what is going to create the change in our community and the world.
Lisavette Saylor
I was born in the United States, raised in Buenos Aires, Argentina. .I’m a Production Manager and have worked in the TV/Music industry since 1996.
In 2004 our dream came true and my husband and I finally moved to Mal Pais . We managed a Jungle Lodge for a couple years, had two beautiful girls and then started my own business together with a close friend and amazing woman. “Mal Pais Green Weddings” was the first established wedding planning business in this area.We closed at the start of the pandemic.
It’s my turn to give back, to connect with other women , to share my experiences, skills and tools which have been mostly shared with me by other amazing women throughout my life. I am ready to learn more about the women in our community and help create a support system in which each and everyone one of us can thrive .
Katherine Zuñiga Badilla
I was born and raised in a rural town in Costa Rica, surrounded by mountains, fruit trees and lots of love. Publicist by profession but an entrepreneur by heart.
I am currently developing as an administrator in a store in Santa Teresa de Cóbano. What attracted me most to this lifestyle, which is not easy I must confess, is the constant connection with people in one way or another, from customers, suppliers, collaborators and many others. Being in Santa Teresa has opened the doors to many possibilities and realities that I never thought possible, I have met beautiful and talented people, I have learned and matured a lot.
Being in the entrepreneurial field as a woman, I have realized all the challenges that this entails and this is the reason why I wanted to belong to this project. I want to contribute my knowledge and service to help many women who want to transcend and thus have a better quality of life in the personal and work environment.
Jennifer Harter
I was born and raised in San Jose, but have lived in Santa Teresa for most of my adult life. I’m married and have a daughter and twin boys. My parents are originally from California and I was raised by a hard-working single mother who was a strong role model for me.
I completed my studies in Barcelona, Spain, earning my degrees at EuroAula Escuela Universitaria de Turismo and Grisart Universitaria Internacional de Fotografia.
I am the co-owner and broker of the 2 Costa Rica Real Estate office in Santa Teresa, as well as a professional photographer.
I’m passionate about education, women empowerment, human rights and I’m very focused and active in raising awareness on environment issues as well.
I believe our growing community has a lot of potential for improvement and I firmly believe it is up to all of us to get involved and see how we can each contribute to the sustainable development of our growing town.
It is wonderful to think that we can create a local network in Santa Teresa that will teach new skills to women in order to create better lives for themselves with the help of others.
Supporting other women through education, inspiration and sisterhood inspires me and I can’t wait to get to work and see all that evolves from this.
Agustina Bonomo Estifique
I was born and raised in Mar Del Plata, Argentina. There I also graduated and worked as an Engineer. But my spirit needed the world and at the beginning of 2017 I set out to tour it. After a year and a half of being outside Argentina I heard about Santa Teresa, Costa Rica and without knowing much or knowing anyone, I decided to come for a season...Today, almost three years later, I like to call this place "my other home." Here I found a place where the sense of community is increasingly rooted in me, where people are committed to the environment and to helping.
Curious and eager for knowledge since childhood, thanks to the support of my family and friends I managed to learn, acquire tools and realize personal projects. Today I feel it's time to be part of someone else's support network, to share the knowledge gained and, along the way, to keep learning. Because I firmly believe that when knowledge is shared, there are always two who learn.
Being part of a project in which women support each other, understanding the difficulties we face everyday fills me with pride and motivates me to continue generating virtuous bonds between all of us.